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Working Capital
Performance Benchmark

Benchmark Your Working Capital Efficiency

In just a few moments, discover how your working capital strategies compare to other Growth Corporates (or "middle market" companies) in your industry and region worldwide.

This calculator is calibrated to the methodology used to develop Visa's 2024-2025 Growth Corporates Working Capital Index and is designed for middle market companies with annual revenues between $50M and $1B.

Please note, this calculator does not generate scores for firms outside select industries or revenue ranges. However, the analysis and industry selection are updated annually

The information you provide and the results produced will not be documented or retained.

About the 2024-2025 Growth Corporates Working Capital Index

The 2024-2025 Growth Corporates Working Capital Index, a Visa report, examines the business conditions and working capital requirements of 1,297 businesses according to their CFOs and treasurers across eight industry segments, five global regions, and 23 countries. Respondents hail from North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and Central Europe, the Middle East and Africa (CEMEA).

This calculator covers eight major industry groups:

  • Agriculture
  • Commercial Travel
  • Fleet and Mobility
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing and Construction
  • Media and Technology
  • Professional and Facility Services
  • Retail and Marketplaces